In Memory of





Condolence From: Christine Narvell Brown
Condolence: Both my husband and myself were with Joan in the Class of 66. She was in my homeroom through most of high school. She was always so nice and considerate of others. Heaven will be better for having her there.
Friday October 10, 2014
Condolence From: Janet Fisher & Jim Moyer
Condolence: To the Family of Joan Seymour, Pastor Mike & Family, We send you our sincere sympathy. You are such a loving family and this truly is a loss. Joan was a wife, a mother, a grandmother. A wonderful loving woman.. Pastor Mike, our hearts are full of sorrow for your loss. You'se had a love that was visable to everyone... You did the right thing...Taking care of your wife was your tribute to her. You were a blessing to each other.. Time well spent.. I didn't know you long but I felt loved... We know that Joan is with God, wrapped in His arms. One day she will be waiting for you at the River as you also come home.. What a time of Rejoicing that will be. PTL for God is good.. We love you and ask God to give you peace. We love you, Janet & Jim.
Wednesday October 08, 2014